The Battle of Ego vs Soul

The biggest leaps I have ever made in terms of personal growth, is when I surrendered Personal Will to Divine Will. 

The biggest leaps I have ever made in terms of personal growth, is when I surrendered Personal Will to Divine Will. ⠀

I have a strong will, I want what I want and my tenacity is that of a dog with a bone. If I want something I become fixated, I will plot and plan until I have it. This is a game to me, it’s entertaining. But there have been times in my life, where it didn’t matter what strategy I applied, it was just not happening. It didn’t matter how ferociously I’d knock on doors, they were all shut. ⠀
It’s like divine intervention.. you’re convinced something is for you, but the entire universe keeps it away from you. Do you know that feeling?⠀
With an MBA in my pocket, I used to work in the corporate..which seems like another lifetime now. I was unhappy, because I knew deep down that a career in finance/investment wasn’t what I came here to do. But I didn’t have the tools to create change. With tools I mean - the conditioning, the mindset. I was stuck doing something I disliked, and resigned to the idea that it’s now too late to change. ⠀

Since the age of 15, I would study psychology, hypnotherapy, and every healing modality on the side, but call it a hobby. I had learned that a hobby is something you love doing, and ‘work’ is something you dislike but accept as a means to afford the life you want. But divine intervention happened - my Soul had a different plan. I lost everything. I resigned from my job thinking I could find another one easily (which was always the case) but this time, nobody was responding to my applications. A voice in my head kept nudging me in a different direction.. “it’s time you start doing what you love, what you came here to do.” I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted to go back to a secure job because that’s what I had been programmed with around ‘security’. I call that period of my life, the battle of Ego vs Soul. ⠀
The smaller part of me (ego) was clinging onto the very thing, that the larger part of me (Soul) had already outgrown.⠀
This battle went on for 1.5 years.. that’s how much I struggled with surrender. Eventually I was tired of fighting my destiny, I had to accept the change. Continued in comments The biggest leaps I have ever made in terms of personal growth, is when I surrendered Personal Will to Divine Will. ⠀

I have a strong will, I want what I want and my tenacity is that of a dog with a bone. If I want something I become fixated, I will plot and plan until I have it. This is a game to me, it’s entertaining. But there have been times in my life, where it didn’t matter what strategy I applied, it was just not happening. It didn’t matter how ferociously I’d knock on doors, they were all shut. ⠀
It’s like divine intervention.. you’re convinced something is for you, but the entire universe keeps it away from you. Do you know that feeling?⠀
With an MBA in my pocket, I used to work in the corporate..which seems like another lifetime now. I was unhappy, because I knew deep down that a career in finance/investment wasn’t what I came here to do. But I didn’t have the tools to create change. With tools I mean - the conditioning, the mindset. I was stuck doing something I disliked, and resigned to the idea that it’s now too late to change. ⠀

Since the age of 15, I would study psychology, hypnotherapy, and every healing modality on the side, but call it a hobby. I had learned that a hobby is something you love doing, and ‘work’ is something you dislike but accept as a means to afford the life you want. But divine intervention happened - my Soul had a different plan. I lost everything. I resigned from my job thinking I could find another one easily (which was always the case) but this time, nobody was responding to my applications. A voice in my head kept nudging me in a different direction.. “it’s time you start doing what you love, what you came here to do.” I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted to go back to a secure job because that’s what I had been programmed with around ‘security’. I call that period of my life, the battle of Ego vs Soul. ⠀
The smaller part of me (ego) was clinging onto the very thing, that the larger part of me (Soul) had already outgrown.⠀
This battle went on for 1.5 years.. that’s how much I struggled with surrender. Eventually I was tired of fighting my destiny, I had to accept the change. Continued in commentsThe biggest leaps I have ever made in terms of personal growth, is when I surrendered Personal Will to Divine Will. ⠀

I have a strong will, I want what I want and my tenacity is that of a dog with a bone. If I want something I become fixated, I will plot and plan until I have it. This is a game to me, it’s entertaining. But there have been times in my life, where it didn’t matter what strategy I applied, it was just not happening. It didn’t matter how ferociously I’d knock on doors, they were all shut. ⠀
It’s like divine intervention.. you’re convinced something is for you, but the entire universe keeps it away from you. Do you know that feeling?⠀
With an MBA in my pocket, I used to work in the corporate..which seems like another lifetime now. I was unhappy, because I knew deep down that a career in finance/investment wasn’t what I came here to do. But I didn’t have the tools to create change. With tools I mean - the conditioning, the mindset. I was stuck doing something I disliked, and resigned to the idea that it’s now too late to change. ⠀

Since the age of 15, I would study psychology, hypnotherapy, and every healing modality on the side, but call it a hobby. I had learned that a hobby is something you love doing, and ‘work’ is something you dislike but accept as a means to afford the life you want. But divine intervention happened - my Soul had a different plan. I lost everything. I resigned from my job thinking I could find another one easily (which was always the case) but this time, nobody was responding to my applications. A voice in my head kept nudging me in a different direction.. “it’s time you start doing what you love, what you came here to do.” I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted to go back to a secure job because that’s what I had been programmed with around ‘security’. I call that period of my life, the battle of Ego vs Soul. ⠀
The smaller part of me (ego) was clinging onto the very thing, that the larger part of me (Soul) had already outgrown.⠀
This battle went on for 1.5 years.. that’s how much I struggled with surrender. Eventually I was tired of fighting my destiny, I had to accept the change. Continued in commentsThe biggest leaps I have ever made in terms of personal growth, is when I surrendered Personal Will to Divine Will. ⠀

I have a strong will, I want what I want and my tenacity is that of a dog with a bone. If I want something I become fixated, I will plot and plan until I have it. This is a game to me, it’s entertaining. But there have been times in my life, where it didn’t matter what strategy I applied, it was just not happening. It didn’t matter how ferociously I’d knock on doors, they were all shut. ⠀
It’s like divine intervention.. you’re convinced something is for you, but the entire universe keeps it away from you. Do you know that feeling?⠀
With an MBA in my pocket, I used to work in the corporate..which seems like another lifetime now. I was unhappy, because I knew deep down that a career in finance/investment wasn’t what I came here to do. But I didn’t have the tools to create change. With tools I mean - the conditioning, the mindset. I was stuck doing something I disliked, and resigned to the idea that it’s now too late to change. ⠀

Since the age of 15, I would study psychology, hypnotherapy, and every healing modality on the side, but call it a hobby. I had learned that a hobby is something you love doing, and ‘work’ is something you dislike but accept as a means to afford the life you want. But divine intervention happened - my Soul had a different plan. I lost everything. I resigned from my job thinking I could find another one easily (which was always the case) but this time, nobody was responding to my applications. A voice in my head kept nudging me in a different direction.. “it’s time you start doing what you love, what you came here to do.” I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted to go back to a secure job because that’s what I had been programmed with around ‘security’. I call that period of my life, the battle of Ego vs Soul. ⠀
The smaller part of me (ego) was clinging onto the very thing, that the larger part of me (Soul) had already outgrown.⠀
This battle went on for 1.5 years.. that’s how much I struggled with surrender. Eventually I was tired of fighting my destiny, I had to accept the change. Continued in comments.

Since the age of 15, I would study psychology, hypnotherapy, and every healing modality on the side, but call it a hobby. I had learned that a hobby is something you love doing, and ‘work’ is something you dislike but accept as a means to afford the life you want. But divine intervention happened - my Soul had a different plan. I lost everything. I resigned from my job thinking I could find another one easily (which was always the case) but this time, nobody was responding to my applications. A voice in my head kept nudging me in a different direction.. “it’s time you start doing what you love, what you came here to do.” I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted to go back to a secure job because that’s what I had been programmed with around ‘security’. I call that period of my life, the battle of Ego vs Soul. ⠀

The smaller part of me (ego) was clinging onto the very thing, that the larger part of me (Soul) had already outgrown.⠀

This battle went on for 1.5 years.. that’s how much I struggled with surrender. Eventually I was tired of fighting my destiny, I had to accept the change. It was painful & scary. For some reason there is always grief when we have to let go of a part of us we strongly identified with. But once I made the transit, the reward was spectacular: A life of freedom, space, self-authority, abundance, purpose and meaning. Everything I always wanted. Let me be clear, it wasn’t courage that made me take that leap, it was desperation. Sometimes it takes pain to push us towards our purpose.

My message: when it feels like you’re stuck, and can’t seem to move ahead, and you tried everything but it’s not working..Let it go. Surrender personal will to divine will. This might mean having to relocate, leave a relationship/a lover, a career/job. Let it go, and that what is coming is in greater alignment to who you are now than that which you are letting go. There may be grief, allow it..let it have its way with you, in the allowance of it, you will break apart, transform so the new you can emerge.

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