1. Awareness: This is the stage where you become aware of your trigger, negative pattern or behaviour that is not working out for you.
There are 4 stages to Healing -> Creating a New Reality. ⠀
1. Awareness: This is the stage where you become aware of your trigger, negative pattern or behaviour that is not working out for you. You have conscious awareness, but the awareness alone doesn’t change it. This is the point where people say, I know what the issue is..I just don’t know how to ‘fix’ it. Generally it takes a crisis to push people from stage 1 to 2. ⠀
2. Healing: This is the stage where you heal the underlying cause of your trigger/negative pattern or health issue. Any unresolved emotions related to the cause is processed, you view the old event through a higher perspective (get the lessons). Fragmented aspects of your psyche is integrated, some reprogramming might be done ..all of which leads to an evolution of some sort (expansion in consciousness or in simpler terms: emotional & soul maturity). This stage is often entered through a form of healing that allows one to enter the ‘subconscious or unconscious’ mind. ⠀
Outcome: A change in perspective. The external situation remains the same, but you are now SEEing it differently.⠀
3. Transformation: Due to this newly gained point of view you will start to respond differently to the same situations that used to trigger you before. The change in perspective has lead to a change in experience. ⠀
Outcome: The external situation hasn’t changed, but your internal reality has - you FEEL differently about the things in view. ⠀
4. Creation: The newly gained perspective (seeing), has lead to a new experience (feeling).. here’s the trick and where most people get stuck: If you consciously decide to stay in that new vibration of beingness (being) you will begin to manifest different realities to match the energies you put forth (creating).
How do you consciously stay in the new vibration? Through Actions: By consistently choosing & acting from that new state of Being. ⠀
Outcome: Your new frequency has attracted a new Reality. You are NO longer in the same situation/environment. Your external reality is now matching your inner state of Being. ⠀
Recipe: seeing (perception) -> feeling (experience) -> being (acting) -> creating (attracting)