online training

Turn your Passion into your Abundance

From Employed to Creator

Mentor & Master Instructor in Human Transformation
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Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who would like to monetise their gifts, skills and talents. Those who take courses in healing, coaching, personal training, those who create art but for some reason feel uncomfortable charging for it.

Do you go from course to course, from workshop to seminar feeling like you need to keep studying, thinking: Maybe after this course, I’ll have the confidence to start my business and take clients?

Do you give your services, your art, your products away for free? This course is also for those who undercharge, and often feel used or taken advantage of after the exchange has taken place.

We teach you what a fair exchange feels like, and to attract clients who can afford that.

It all starts with you. Whether people want to pay for your services/products has actually very little to do with your beliefs about money and abundance. It has everything to do with how much you value yourself, your time, your energy and skills. If you have doubts and uncertainties about who you are and what you deliver (on a subconscious level) people will be able to pick that up and respond to it. Trust me, people have the money. Sure everyone has a different budget, but everyone has money to some extent, or they can get it to some degree.
The issue is not their ‘wealth’ or lack of it, it’s where they decide to spend it on. Truth is: People pay for things they value.

We don’t breed martyrs here. We empower soulful individuals to share their gifts and receive fairness and honour in return. Money is simply the tool of exchange for this.

During this mentorship you will:

• Gain clarity on what it is you want as your source of abundance and the life you want to lead. Here you'll have the opportunity to Design your Life;
• Overcome blocks that prevent you from charging money for your services/products;
• Become confident and truly value what you got to offer;
• Heal the cause for imposter syndrome;
• Learn to respect your time, energy and skills;
• Create healthy boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of, and over-giving as a means to overcompensate for an inner insecurity;
• Discover the blocks to your deservingness and worth, heal it;
• Release fears around security & entrepreneurship, and shift programs that security can only come from employment;
• Explore fear of failure, patterns of procrastination, negative beliefs about self, i.e.: I’m not smart enough, capable enough, others are better;
• Open yourself up for receiving, and creating safety around being seen/being visible.
• Move out of lack, scarcity mentality; learn the secrets to an abundant mindset in every area of your life.
• Learn how to work with Universal Laws to create/attract what you want. We go beyond Law of Attraction. You will learn how to work with the Law of Motion to come out of 'stuckness'.
• Upgrade in consciousness: No more sacrificing time, freedom, health, relationships to make money. Learn how to create abundance while living the life you want.
• Learn techniques in healing & reprogramming, which can be used as tools in the future.

Mentorship details:

• 6 x 2.5 hour video coaching calls conducted by Handan
• During every online meeting, participants will be taken on a healing journey into their subconscious, get the opportunity to see where their patterns are coming from, release what is no longer needed & reprogram belief systems that block them from stepping into their power.
• During every online workshop, participants will be taken through meditational processes and downloaded with new programs to rewire the brain.
• Homework throughout the week to ensure lessons are integrated and embodied.

Mentorship Structure:

Module 1: Claim it to Manifest it
During this module we will clear out any cognitive dissonance that exists between what you want to do vs who you believe you are. If you hold any negative associations to your new role/the service you’d like to offer, you actually won’t be able to manifest clients for it.

We also disconnect you from negative beliefs related to your
industry/role. For example:

1. Artists struggle financially while they are alive, they are only recognised after they die.
2. People who follow their passion, fail or end up broke.

Module 2: Release Unworthiness – Am I good enough?
Not feeling good enough is an epidemic. So during this module we clear self-doubt, not knowing your true worth, not recognising the value of your time, energy, skills and resources.

We explore pricing and our associations to money. If you grew up in a system where your hourly rate is already determined by your industry, you will be limited with the income you can make. During this module we challenge whether time = money, and if yes what an hour of our time is actually worth.

Module 3: Imposter Syndrome (I am a Fraud)
I have seen the most brilliant people have imposter syndromes. Especially when they are about to get out of their comfort zone and embark on a new territory professionally. It’s this deep insecurity and fear that people are going to put them on the spot; they’ll find out I’m a fake, that I’m a fraud, that I just pretend to be something I am not. During this course we recover our Trust in others as well as release the need for perfection as we move deeper into self-acceptance. Excellence merely becomes a result of appropriate self-care and living your truth (which translates into alignment with your higher self), not of self-criticism.

Module 4: Wounded Empath (I have to save others, and give things away for free)
During this module we heal patterns that make participants project victimhood onto another, unconsciously creating scenarios where they have to play the saviour/rescuer. We explore the ways we victimise ourselves in our efforts to help others. We clear energetic constructs that make participants confuse enmeshment for empathy, which often leads to absorbing other people’s pain and suffering as your own. This module can provide relief from having co-dependant tendencies, where you experience another as yourself. You will learn how to make a healthy distinction between what is another’s stuff and what is yours.

Module 5: The illusion of security.
From Employed to Entrepreneur.
During this module we shift our concept of security as something that is externally derived (employment), to something that is internally generated (fully trusting yourself and believing you are resourceful). We clear negative programs connected to having your own business (i.e. someone in the family having gone bankrupt). You’ll learn about smooth transitions: How to move from one field into another but without the drama/trauma. And being programmed with having multiple sources of income rather than limiting yourself to believing that money can only come from 1 source (employment).

Module 6: Releasing shame around having ‘Needs’. Unblock receiving + being seen
During this module we will clear negative associations to having ‘needs’. Sometimes if a child is neglected while growing up, or was made to feel unwanted, like a creates coping mechanisms by dismissing their own needs and pretending it’s not there. As a result they may become overly independent, and feel really uncomfortable when someone gives them anything. Hyper-independence is a trauma response. This can block you from receiving (paying) clients and asking for what you want. We release any feelings of inferiority for asking or wanting money. We move from beggar archetype to queen/king archetype. Money becomes a way for people to honour your time/skill/wisdom etc. During this module we also clear any issues you may have with selling/promoting yourself, being seen/visible.

Are you ready to step into your power?

Schedule for registration
2 March 2023
1,500 USD (5,555 AED)

6 weeks
method of delivery:
Online via Zoom
Self-awareness, mental stability + experience with subconscious reprogramming: Having done courses and/or sessions in ThetaHealing, NLP, Hypnotherapy or any other healing/therapy modality that does rewiring.


Testimonial Image

Nothing feels overly scary, it feels natural- like I’m doing what I’ve dreamt of for so long, it just feels right.

I’ve seen lots of big changes since I started this mentorship program. I’m actually a practising hypnotherapist now, I am attracting paying clients at the fee I want, and my clients are seeing amazing results. I’ve also discovered what I want to specialise in: Gut Hypnotherapy.
Everything has just been easy. Nothing feels overly scary, it feels natural- like I’m doing what I’ve dreamt of for so long, it just feels right.

I know that majority of what we do in the course is all working on an unconscious level and it is so so interesting to see everything almost magically unfold.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Rhani G.

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Handan is a magical being. A session with her is definitely one of the most powerful ThetaHealing sessions I’ve ever had. She’s very straightforward, compassionate and honest. My first experience with her was a distance healing experience, and despite the fact that no one was around I felt every single bit of it. I felt it in my body, I felt it in my soul, I was able to go deep in trance, see what I was meant to see, and at some points felt some physical sensations as we started to release old programs and trauma connected to my early childhood experiences. I definitely recommend everyone to try it. Every session I’ve had with handan lead to major realisations, break-throughs and self-growth.


Testimonial Image

My approach in life has changed and the way am stepping into the next chapter of my life is getting more and more exciting everyday.

It has already been sometime since the end of the "art into abundance" course and I can already see a big difference in the way I present myself to the world and share my art which includes making videos. I dont remember having the courage and confidence to do that before taking this course with you.
I came into the course wondering what would my art/passion in the first place and was able to look many beliefs and blocks in the eye and choose to release myself from that which holds me back! Which in itself is liberating!💫💫
My approach in life has changed and the way am stepping into the next chapter of my life is getting more and more exciting everyday.
Thank you Handan for this beautiful course and for everything you helped us with throughout this course. ❤️❤️

Hala O.

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My confidence increased, I got greater self-esteem and definitely more self awareness around my emotions .

Turn your art into abundance is not the first or last course that I am taking with Handan. I have been a student for few years and can only see my life changing and improving for the best. These transformational  programmes and courses taught me how to create my own reality and be accountable for my life. The best investment is the one you make in yourself, I feel empowered, I feel a lot of love inside of me that I have never felt before. My confidence increased, I got greater self-esteem and definitely more self awareness around my emotions .
I highly recommend taking this life changing programme and other thetahealing courses  with Handan.

Sarah N.

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Thank you Handan for creating it and generously guiding me through it.

While I was still in search of my passion, I came across this amazing program thinking that I should come up with a passion first before I attend it, but the topics enlisted intrigued me. Knowing that you are a person who is in constant successful evolution, I wanted to be guided by YOU to find my passion. You know, you can’t go to a nutritionist who isn’t fit to lose weight.

The program modules unfold themselves naturally and beautifully to compliment each other. It unleashed a new person that was living trapped inside of me. Every week, the module presented opened portals to capabilities that I didn’t know I had. Not just that, it enlightened me to the passion that I always had, always practiced it, I was just not aware that I could create my abundance through it.

I’m so pleased that I came across your mentorship program, I can honestly say that it was created with a lot of love, tremendous level of experience and divinely flavored.

Thank you Handan for creating it and generously guiding me through it.

Noha F.

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I saw the outcome very visibly in my relationships with everyone in my life.

Although I didn’t feel clear about what my passion or talent is at the beginning, this course definitely helped clear a lot of negative beliefs that eventually clarified my path.
Also, the course was much more than that for me. I saw the outcome very visibly in my relationships with everyone in my life. I didn’t see this coming but the beliefs that we cleared helped me transform my relationships and get rid of toxic ones so easily. I think that had a lot to do with the work we did on self-worth. Yes the course was called turn your art into abundance and that applies, but I got so much more out of it.

Maha M.

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Hi Handan. Thank you again! I have worked with loads and loads of fellow Thetahealers and was always feeling like they’re not strong enough to go where they need to go during a session. Finally I have found my match with you, so happy!!
